Gutenberg Editor Versus Classic WordPress Editor

Posted by Dhiraj Suthar - May 04, 2021 5 Min readWordpress



WordPress is a widely popular tool that people use to build websites and add content to them. According to W3Techs, 42.7% of all the websites on the internet use WordPress. That is more than one-third of the internet. This number rises to 65.2% if we only count websites with a known Content Management System (CMS).

The Classic WordPress editor consists of a simple-to-use interface like a text editor, similar to Microsoft Word. This editor has been the default version of WordPress since its inception in 2003.

But updates and upgrades are a common feat in software and applications. While WordPress has made minor changes many times, WordPress development took a giant leap with its Gutenberg Editor in 2018.

This blog goes over the difference between the Gutenberg Editor and the Classic WordPress editor and helps you decide which one is best suited for you.

What is the Gutenberg Editor?

Gutenberg Editor is the latest (and currently, default) editor version of WordPress. Gutenberg has completely revamped the Classic editor version. While the Classic editor allows you to create websites through text, the Gutenberg version uses the drag-and-drop feature to add blocks. Hence, the Gutenberg editor is also known as the Block editor.

Gutenberg editor receives its name from the famous Johannes Gutenberg, who invented movable block printing about 500 years ago.

Reasons Behind Gutenberg’s Release

As Johannes Gutenberg changed the printing sector with his block printing technique, WordPress’s Gutenberg editor also aims at changing the CMS sector by making it easier to build websites and enhance flexibility and functionality.

Gutenberg allows all users to create rich content for their websites by simply dragging and dropping blocks. Moreover, you don’t require any coding knowledge to use the Gutenberg editor.

With the Gutenberg Editor, the user can also add custom blocks if they so wish, with a developer’s assistance.

Comparing Gutenberg With The Classic Editor

Here are a few differences between both the editors in a few crucial criteria. How do they stack up?

  1. Functionality

    The Classic Editor is limited in its functionality. The editor only offers run-of-the-mill text editing and formatting features. Furthermore, the Classic editor requires HTML codes and commands to create and edit websites. You will also have to follow different approaches and sometimes install plugins to add images, videos, tables, etc., to your website.

    On the other hand, the Gutenberg editor consists of a variety of functions built into the application. This eliminates the need for adding too many plugins.

  2. Interface

    The Classic editor consists of a plain interface and primarily resembles a text editor. The Gutenberg editor, or the block editor, allows you to add blocks that may include a paragraph, heading, image, video, etc.

    Gutenberg editor’s interface is much more modernized and easier to use, especially for people just venturing into the website and content creation sector. But people who have been using the Classic editor for many years now have gotten used to it. These people still prefer the Classic version over Gutenberg.

  3. Performance and Efficiency

    Being the newer and latest version of WordPress’s editor, Gutenberg has a better performance and efficiency when compared to the Classic version. You may face a few lags while working with the Classic editor. But Gutenberg ensures fast and smooth performance.

Pros of the Gutenberg WordPress Editor

Here are a few advantages of using the Gutenberg WordPress editor.

The landing page should offer value to the users and be in sync with your email or advertisement. The campaign should be holistic with a single message, thus reducing confusion and making it click-worthy.

  • Easy-to-use interface with the drag-and-drop feature
  • Enhanced visibility with the modernized appearance
  • Provides a simple CMS platform for beginners to get started
  • Removes the need for too many plugins
  • Ensures smooth and fast performance
  • Compatible with all devices and screen sizes
  • You can create and present your content in the form of blocks
  • You can reuse the same blocks multiple times throughout the web page
  • It does not require any prior knowledge of HTML or other coding languages
  • It offers a variety of plugins for use; in addition, it allows theme developers to add custom blocks if they so desire. These blocks bring a fun flexibility to the table.
  • It provides new options of alignment for full-width and responsive websites. These prove surprisingly effective in improving the overall layout.

All these pointers show you the benefits of upgrading WordPress from the Classic version.

Cons of the Gutenberg WordPress Editor

Along with its advantages, it is also vital to know about the disadvantages of the Gutenberg editor.

  • It might be complex for people who are accustomed to using the Classic editor.
  • Some shortcuts that used to work with the Classic editor will not work with Gutenberg.
  • Although Gutenberg reduces many plugins with built-in features, the editor is still incompatible with a few plugins and themes.
  • Gutenberg has also made it more difficult for plugin developers who depend on APIs.

How to Decide Which Editor to Use?

Now that you know about the differences between the Classic and Gutenberg editor, it comes down to the main question. How to choose the right editor for you?

By comparing the two editors, Gutenberg is more advanced, modernized, and easier to use. It can help you seamlessly design and add content to your website.

But the right editor for you depends on your requirements and comfort. If you need to design advanced content for your website, then Gutenberg is best for you! If you need to create and add only simple content occasionally, you might prefer the Classic editor.

Similarly, as mentioned earlier, beginners might like Gutenberg more than the Classic version, while people who are used to Classic’s interface might prefer to stick to it only.

The best thing you can do is to upgrade WordPress and try out the latest Gutenberg version. But, if you don’t like it or aren’t comfortable with it, you can always go back to the Classic version with the Classic editor plugin.


In software and applications, the only constant is “change.” While Gutenberg WordPress editor is more efficient than the Classic one, it might take some time to get used to its working. Give both versions a try and stick to the one that best caters to your needs.

At Centous Solutions, we help you  design, develop, and market  websites, user interfaces, and other digital enterprises for you and your business. Contact us  to find out more!

Posted by  Dhiraj Suthar - May 04, 20215 Min readWordpress

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